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address book table corrupt


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My site is giving following error -


1033 - Incorrect information in file: './desitick_catalog/configuration.frm'


select configuration_key as cfgKey, configuration_value as cfgValue from configuration



When I tried repairing the table

repair table address_book


it gave me following message -

Incorrect information in file: './desitick_catalog/address_book.frm'


Can I drop the table and recreate it? I had exported my whole database (it makes .sql file) yesterday. Can I only import table address_book from this file?


I am no DBA and would really appreciate someone giving me the steps (syntax) to accomplish this.


Many Thanks in advance,


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Please, anyone out there with a tip or solution?


I took a stab and started dropping tables and started importing from the last backup. After few table drops, and subsequent import, database recovered. I am doing the damage control by setting file permissions, etc.


BTW, no reply from ipowerweb support folks so far. Its time to change the ISP, I guess!

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