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The e-commerce.

Any advice is welcome


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I posted this some time back and got some great feedback. I have made a lot of design changes and would liek to know how is looks.


is it apealing to the eye?


how fast does it load?


what would keep you from buying from this store if you were looking for this type of product?


What could I do to make it better?


thanks everyone you all are great!


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I posted this some time back and got some great feedback. I have made a lot of design changes and would liek to know how is looks.


is it apealing to the eye?


how fast does it load?


what would keep you from buying from this store if you were looking for this type of product?


What could I do to make it better?


thanks everyone you all are great!




Looks really good. I like it. You have done quite a bit to make it quite unique. The only thing I would change is those standard oscommerce buttons. To me they stick out like a sore thumb and would be much better in a colour that would better match the theme of your website


These are the



Sign in


buttons that appears on certain pages like My Account etc..


Change those and then I think you have a complete shop!

I don't bother doing backups. I love the thrill of screwing it all up!

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Looks but I have say it's slow to load from here in the UK, I'm on 1mb cable.


Have you tried it without the Preload Script, I've found then to be a bit hit and miss and on your site the header takes a while. Also feel the header is too deep but thats a personal choice as I like to have as much content on the first screen so customer down have to scroll straught away to see products.


Hope that helps, I'm not expert.


OSC user for years and no coder, so I've earned my stripes.


Feel free to private message me.

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