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Make a link in the info box open a blank page


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How do i make a link in the info box open a new browser window? ive set my new links to open normal HTML pages but i cant make one open in a new browser window,


define('FILENAME_ACCOUNT', 'account.php');

define('FILENAME_HOME', 'index.php');

define('FILENAME_ABOUT_US', 'aboutus.php');

define('FILENAME_CONDITIONS_OF_USE', 'conditions_of_use.php');

define('FILENAME_TERMS', 'terms.php');

define('FILENAME_PRIVACY', 'privacy.php');

define('FILENAME_TRADE', 'trade.php');

define('FILENAME_CONTACT', 'contact.php');

define('FILENAME_COLOUR', 'colour.php');


Thats my new filenames, the problem is with the last one i want this to open in a new window i know in html that you just use _blank but how do i do it here


Any help greatfully recived

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How do i make a link in the info box open a new browser window? ive set my new links to open normal HTML pages but i cant make one open in a new browser window,


define('FILENAME_ACCOUNT', 'account.php');

define('FILENAME_HOME', 'index.php');

define('FILENAME_ABOUT_US', 'aboutus.php');

define('FILENAME_CONDITIONS_OF_USE', 'conditions_of_use.php');

define('FILENAME_TERMS', 'terms.php');

define('FILENAME_PRIVACY', 'privacy.php');

define('FILENAME_TRADE', 'trade.php');

define('FILENAME_CONTACT', 'contact.php');

define('FILENAME_COLOUR', 'colour.php');


Thats my new filenames, the problem is with the last one i want this to open in a new window i know in html that you just use _blank but how do i do it here


Any help greatfully recived



I found the answer, but now another problem, how do i stop it putting larger spaces between the links???

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In includes/boxes/information.php or whatever box file you're using, look for:

										 '<a href="' . tep_href_link(FILENAME_CONTACT_US) . '">' . BOX_INFORMATION_CONTACT . '</a><br>'.


This is the php version of the link. You'd add the target="blank" in here between the double quotes and the closing >.


										 '<a href="' . tep_href_link(FILENAME_CONTACT_US) . '"target="blank">' . BOX_INFORMATION_CONTACT . '</a><br>'.

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In includes/boxes/information.php or whatever box file you're using, look for:

										 '<a href="' . tep_href_link(FILENAME_CONTACT_US) . '">' . BOX_INFORMATION_CONTACT . '</a><br>'.


This is the php version of the link. You'd add the target="blank" in here between the double quotes and the closing >.


										 '<a href="' . tep_href_link(FILENAME_CONTACT_US) . '"target="blank">' . BOX_INFORMATION_CONTACT . '</a><br>'.

cheers mate, have you any ideas how to stop it putting massive spaces between the links?

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