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The e-commerce.

Hosting Suggestions


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Can someone please suggest a good host for an os commerce shop?


Please PM me with info. Thanks!


Well I couldn't give you any information but you can go google for one.

Wade Morris

Amarillo, Texas


Before you do any changes on your site you need to do BACKUP! BACKUP!

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Well I couldn't give you any information but you can go google for one.


They're all over the place. Just search for web hosting companies and also put oscommerce in there. Here's a google search for you: Web Hosting Companies offering OSC





Simple 1-2-3 Intructions on how to get, install and configure SSL


The Google Sandbox explained


Simple to follow instructions on how to change the look of your OSC


How To Make A Horrible OSC Website


my toolbox: All things WordPress-related - All things Adobe-related - PHP Designer 2007 - Codecanyon Junkie - Crimson Editor - Winmerge - phpMyAdmin - WS_FTP


my installed contributions: Category Banners, File Upload feature-.77, Header Tags, Sort_Product_Attributes_1, XSellv2.3, Price Break 1.11.2, wishlist 3.5, rollover_category_images_v1.2, Short_Description_v2.1, UPSXML_v1_2_3, quickbooks qbi_v2_10, allprods v4.4, Mouseover-effect for image-buttons 1.0, Ultimate_SEO, AAP 1.41, Auto Select State Value, Fast Easy Checkout, Dynamic SiteMap v2.0, Image Magic, Links Manager 1.14, Featured Products, Customer Testimonials, Article Manager, FAQ System, and I'm sure more ...

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I have found one and wanted to see what others though. If it looks to be a good fit for Oscommerce. Interland.com?


Pm me what you think on this hosting firm.




Try this site for reviews Tim




OSC user for years and no coder, so I've earned my stripes.


Feel free to private message me.

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There you go Vicki. Without actually taking your credit card and dialing the digits ourselves, you definitely have enough valid suggestions. A good host that preferebly offers OSC, and other various little perks, and pay around 11-15 bucks/month. That's all. There are a zillion of 'em. Also make sure they have good tech support -- 24/7 tech support, live chat support, things like that. You should be on the right track now.



Simple 1-2-3 Intructions on how to get, install and configure SSL


The Google Sandbox explained


Simple to follow instructions on how to change the look of your OSC


How To Make A Horrible OSC Website


my toolbox: All things WordPress-related - All things Adobe-related - PHP Designer 2007 - Codecanyon Junkie - Crimson Editor - Winmerge - phpMyAdmin - WS_FTP


my installed contributions: Category Banners, File Upload feature-.77, Header Tags, Sort_Product_Attributes_1, XSellv2.3, Price Break 1.11.2, wishlist 3.5, rollover_category_images_v1.2, Short_Description_v2.1, UPSXML_v1_2_3, quickbooks qbi_v2_10, allprods v4.4, Mouseover-effect for image-buttons 1.0, Ultimate_SEO, AAP 1.41, Auto Select State Value, Fast Easy Checkout, Dynamic SiteMap v2.0, Image Magic, Links Manager 1.14, Featured Products, Customer Testimonials, Article Manager, FAQ System, and I'm sure more ...

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wow Jason, I pay almost half of that only ... including 3 domain names and shared SSL of course ... and my techies are smarter too, hehe.




addicted to writing code ... can't get enough of databases either, LOL!


my toolbox: Textpad - Compare and Merge - phpMyAdmin - WS_FTP - Photoshop - How to search the forum


Interactive Media Award July 2007 ~ category E-Commerce

my advice on the forum is for free, PMs where you send me work are considered consultation which I charge for ...

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