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I have some products listed where I want the customer to download brochures and literature etc before they buy a product.


Is it possible to use the downloads section to do this in product attributes. Or is it just best to add a link in the item description to do this. I did try to do it using downloads but this only appears in the checkout section and did not work anyway.


Optional downloads on a product before buying would simplfy things and would be easier to manage if there was a tool.

I don't bother doing backups. I love the thrill of screwing it all up!

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try doing this using the products_url field.


Good point! but then I can only have one download per product. Some products have more documents for the customer to download.


I'll probably just create a link inside the item description and see how that goes.


Thanks for your help.




I don't bother doing backups. I love the thrill of screwing it all up!

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