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your-fr-outfile (Froogle Data Feeder Contribution)


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I'm wanting to use the Froogle Data Feeder contribution but can't find what "your-fr-outfile" should be. I've signed up for froogle (or is it Google Base) but not received any links. It says I need to register a bulk upload with Google Base and then "format your items in one of our supported plain text formats." One format you can use is .xml. I have a sitemapproducts.xml file from a previous contribution which lists all my products. Would this work?? If not how do I find "your-fr-outfile"??




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Google assigns the name of the file. It should be listed in your googlebase account. If you can't find it, send them an email and ask what it is.



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Hello Jack,


Thanks for the reply. It looks as though I have to specify the file name first...


"Google Base will use the following information to process the file you will upload. After you specify the Bulk upload details you will need to create either a Tab-Separated Value (TSV) or XML file. Then, upload the file to Google Base and we will publish it."


It then asks for a file name followed by...


"Only text and xml files (.txt or .xml), and compressed text and xml files (.gz, .zip, .Z, or .bz2) will be accepted."


Any ideas?





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