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easypopulate installation


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Hi ! I installed OSC few weeks ago . Works Well. Now I tried to install easypopulate.

In the information I have in the file 1readmefirst (Download 2.9) SOme informations

are wrong . Particulary about CATALOG . In the file there is a mention about the

instruction $tempdir= I really can't find that on any file ??? Tere is also a mention

to create a Folder catalog/temp , but where ?


In another place we have this line COPY FILE \admin\includes\languages\english.php but any indication where to put the file ?? Here is the error code :




The file 1readmefirst is dated 27 december 2005 by Deborah Carney. If someone

can provide me a complete installation of easypopulate I would really appreciate.


Thanks Rejean

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