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Install and Configuration "Yes another post"


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Hi any help would be much appreciated. I've Installed osc from my cpanel, the server administrator set up Mysql for me. I can't link via admin link sent from install setup email. I searched and searched the forum and found a few things referring to the Mysql configuration but to be honest don't want to stuff anything up.


I keep getting the following browser message when i try to go in to the admin link.




1146 - Table 'surreyps_osc1.configuration' doesn't exist


select configuration_key as cfgKey, configuration_value as cfgValue from configuration




If i understand this correctly it's saying that the Mysql file is not present?




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there isnt a table in oscommerce which is named surreyps_osc1.configuration, which leads me to think that one of your config files is wrong, or maybe the tables were not imported correctly.


But, you say youve installed oscommerce from your cPanel. I would not do this. I would install it via typing into your browser:




that way you are sure that everything is configured correctly. Have your database username and password handy.

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