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Well the first thing i noticed is that the colour scheme doesnt really go with the logo at the top.


You should probably put a border around your infobox headings too, if your going to have a border around the rest of the infobox, it looks a little redundant at the top there.


Id change the colour of the home/checkout etc text, the red is a little too dark against the black.


Other than that it looks ok, you may want to add a bit of info about you who are and a proper email address etc as i was told to do in another thread.


Hope this helps.

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took a quick look... I'm not sure what's wrong, but it's very very slow. Almost 30 seconds to load your first page and I've got some serious bandwidth here... over 10mb fd fiber. If I was looking for what you're selling, I would have moved on before your first image would have appeared. Maybe the problem is on my end or perhaps your host??




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Thanks for the replies.


Looking into the loading issue I think I figured it out the newest items showing up in the New Products For August

window I forgot to resize they are all about 50000 bytes each. That is probably what is slowing it down will resize and should fix problem.


Any other comments




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Ok I have installed a thumbnail contrib and it seems to be working if someone would like to check site and see if it loads quicker i would appreciate it. Also any other feedback would help




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