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Paypal option not transferring amount


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I have installed the Australian PayPal contribution but when a customer tried to use it the amount in checkout is not transferring across. They just entered in the total amount but the order was not processed. I received notification that the $'s had gone into my paypal account (great for me!) but received no order and the items where still in their cart.......

Thanks in advance :)

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I have installed the Australian PayPal contribution but when a customer tried to use it the amount in checkout is not transferring across. They just entered in the total amount but the order was not processed. I received notification that the $'s had gone into my paypal account (great for me!) but received no order and the items where still in their cart.......

Thanks in advance :)


I had the same issue with Canadian dollars. I found that if I had the "Selected Currency" option selected in the paypal payment module, you have to make sure that the currency that you are using has the correct currency code in the admin meny where Currencies are adjusted .. such as AUD for australian dollars, CAD for Canadian dollars, USD for US dollars ect.. hope that helps

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I had the same issue with Canadian dollars. I found that if I had the "Selected Currency" option selected in the paypal payment module, you have to make sure that the currency that you are using has the correct currency code in the admin meny where Currencies are adjusted .. such as AUD for australian dollars, CAD for Canadian dollars, USD for US dollars ect.. hope that helps

:D May I say thank you for this. I had very much the same problem with the UK currency and found that I had put GDP in instead of GBP. So thank you for solving my problem.

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Ok, I have 'Only AUD'selected under Transaction Currency in payment modules. I'm not sure where the other file is that you are referring to?? When you attempt to pay via paypal it does say AUD on the paypal page but there are no amounts or postage charges carried forward....


If it helps this is what I have under includes/modules/payment/paypal.php

tep_draw_hidden_field('item_name', STORE_NAME) .

tep_draw_hidden_field('amount', number_format(($order->info['total'] - $order->info['shipping_cost']) * $currencies->get_value($my_currency), $currencies->get_decimal_places($my_currency))) .

tep_draw_hidden_field('shipping', number_format($order->info['shipping_cost'] * $currencies->get_value($my_currency), $currencies->get_decimal_places($my_currency))) .

tep_draw_hidden_field('currency_code', $my_currency) .

tep_draw_hidden_field('return', tep_href_link(FILENAME_CHECKOUT_PROCESS, '', 'SSL')) .

tep_draw_hidden_field('cancel_return', tep_href_link(FILENAME_CHECKOUT_PAYMENT, '', 'SSL'));

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Ok, I have 'Only AUD'selected under Transaction Currency in payment modules. I'm not sure where the other file is that you are referring to?? When you attempt to pay via paypal it does say AUD on the paypal page but there are no amounts or postage charges carried forward....


It would not be in the html/php coding but in the oscommerce admin site, under " Localization" then "Currencies" and then it would be the 3 letter currency code next to the currency name. please see piture below. I don't have your currency but you'll see the screen that I am talking about, just make sure it says AUD next to your aussie dollar.


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:'( I am having the same problem with paypal, At first It would not use AUD at all, Paypal showed up as USD, I tried fixing it by editing $my_currency from USD to AUD in the



82: }

83: if (!in_array($my_currency, array('CAD', 'EUR', 'GBP', 'JPY', 'USD'))) {

84: $my_currency = 'AUD';

85: }


But that did nothing

The total now will not go to paypal but the AUD dose!


In the /catalog/admin/currencies.php?selected_box=localization admin page, I have AUS this works, But If I put in AUD all the price's in the shop show as $0 so I leave it at "AUS" Me thinks there is a glitch here!


AUD don?t work as default, But that's what I want! :(


:D Any Help would be great! :D

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I just tried changing the code in Currencies to AUS and the prices still dissapeared...

Anyone???? :(


I created a second currency - with the right initials, set the value to 1 and set it as the default - it seemed to work.


Hope that helps.

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  • 2 months later...

if anybody gets through the above fixes and still has no joy (like i did) try this (my buddy solved this for me)



change the includes/language/english.php file and set






define('LANGUAGE_CURRENCY', 'GBP'); // or whatever currency you're using


and change the code of the currency to GBP //// or whatever currency you're using




hope that helps somebody!


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