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Cannot send session cookie


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I am receiving the follow warning messages on the index screen for each category of goods. Once there is a session id assigned (by adding an item to the cart), the warnings go away.


Warning: session_register(): Cannot send session cookie - headers already sent by (output started at /home3/dajm/mysitename/catalog/index.php:36) in /home3/dajm/mysitename/catalog/includes/modules/product_listing.php on line 87


Warning: session_register(): Cannot send session cache limiter - headers already sent (output started at /home3/dajm/mysitename/catalog/index.php:36) in /home3/dajm/mysitename/catalog/includes/modules/product_listing.php on line 87


I've labeled Line 87 of the product_listing.php below. When I delete this section, the warning goes away, but then so do my previous & next buttons.


// prev_next code starts here ******************************


$prev_next.= $listing['products_id'];

if($prev_next!=""){$prev_next.=","; }

session_register("prev_next"); <<-----Line 87


// end of pre/next code ************************************


Can anyone tell me what's wrong with Line 87?


Thanks in advance,


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BACKUP your current files before editing. Did I mention to BACKUP your current files, first?


Try this:



or it might be


BACKUP your current files before editing. Did I mention to BACKUP your current files, first?


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Thanks. There were some whitespaces I needed to delete. Unfortunately, it didn't solve my issue. It has something to do with the prev_next contribution I installed. I going to delete that contribution and work on my other issues for now.

Thanks again,

Debbie James

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