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Which PayPal IPN module?


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I've looked in the contrubutions and see like anywhere from 5-10 different mods for PayPal IPN.


I downloaded 2 of them and read their instructions, but it was all so confusing (I'm noy very familiar with PHP and sql stuff).


Is there an 'official' IPN that's used with OSC (and if so why not label it that way)..


I've seached the forums this morning, but nothing really stands out saying it's official...just people saying 'try my IPN mod' (which doesn't help new people)


Any and all help is appreciated.



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Look in teh contributions support section for the offical paypal IPN thread. They have helped me out no end im glad to say. Theres a link on page one to the one that most people seem to use

Things still to do before going "live" in no real order...

Change "buy now buttons" css styles

Change "lets see what we have here" into something meaningfull

Main logo of the website

Sort out currency to make site UK only (at present)

Remove "xx requests since" stuff

Update mainpage :D

Move shopping cart status into header

Add in stock status to product listing page

Define styles for product listing standardisation

Change CSS background for Headings

Increase Category size headings

Used mods so far:- basic_design_pack1mk7 | Google XML sitemap w admin | Paypal IPN v 1.2 | Feedmachine | pricematch_1_3_1 | Dynamic Sitemap 1.6 | Whos online Enhancement | Easypopulate 2.72


Each one that I solve I;ll be putting a post on the forum in a "completed shop" thread that Im writing up

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