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Problem with Product Attribute Table


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I installed Product Attribute Sort v1.2. Now I can't navigate through the products attribute table at the bottom of the page. When I click '>' the table still shows attribute page 1 even though the url has changed to attribute_page =2.

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Solved the problem, sort of. This solution is not for productive servers. I am running Os on a testing server, Xampp, to be exact, on my local machine. Initially I was running php 5, but had to switch to php 4 to actually install Os due the global_registers being set to off. So I thought I had that solved by installing the Os global_registers patch. So now I am able to install and configure Os. Until I had that problem in the original post. I ended editing the php.ini to reflect registers_global "on" which is found in the C:/Program Files/xampp/apache/bin file on my computer. All joy now. I don't know what the solution would be for a productive server.

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  • 4 months later...

This contrib works good on a productive servers and solves the problem that ahabh999 has navigating through the products attribute table at the bottom of the page.



REGISTER GLOBALS - V 1.5 - Richard Bentley 01/09/2006



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