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SMF & Oscommerce


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Hey Guys...


I know theres an SMF / Oscommerce Intergration contribution available already, But that contribution doesnt do what I want, so I'm wondering how I can do this..


I just want registrations and logins through my oscommerce store to be combined with my smf forum only. I dont want the smf forum to display inside my oscommerce store, but when a new user comes to my store, he or she registers and that user is automatically registered at my smf forum. And when that user clicks the link to my smf forum the forum opens in a sepperate window and the user is automatically logged in, but I want to be able to dissalow outside registrations in my smf forum so that only users who register at the store are allowed to view the forum and no outsiders can sign up.


Hope Im in the right place to post here cos this is kind of to do with the smf contribution but not directly. Sorry if this is the wrong place but I just gusesed that this would be a good place to post this question.


Thanks guys, hope someone can help me out here. :thumbsup:

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Have you checked over at SMF for a SMF/OSC bridge that will allow them to share the same Database?

Search the forum and contributions before posting. If that doesn't work, keep looking, then post. The forum is for seeking help and advice NOT for someone to do your work for you. Try to do something on your on, if you are going to run a shop then learn how it works.

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Yea that's all I could dig up as well when I tried a search for it. I know they have one because I have seen it before.

Search the forum and contributions before posting. If that doesn't work, keep looking, then post. The forum is for seeking help and advice NOT for someone to do your work for you. Try to do something on your on, if you are going to run a shop then learn how it works.

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