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The e-commerce.

Which coupons/discount contrib?


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Hi All.


I am after a contrib that will let me do the following


- Set a discount code that I can give to people that will give them 10% off the final price (before shipping) indeffinately (or for given period of time) (This is not set to a certain person and can be used as many times as they want and by as many people that want to use it.)


- Create gift vouchers that can be given to people (2 differnent types if possible)

- for a specific person

- NOT for a specific person

These can either have a time limit on them or not.




Is there anything that does that, or close to that?



I have had a look at a few different contribs, but not sure which is the best.



The contribs I have already installed are:


Fast easy Checkout

Paypal IPN


Dynamic Sitemap

Ultimate SEO URLs (V1.6)

cDynamic Metatags



Just incase there are any conflicts with any of these.




Thanks in advance for any advice given.

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