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Items In Stock Image - Where and What is it? Please...


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I'm going nuts! Searched for hours and can't find this code. Anyone know?


When viewing a category theres a page title "Items in Stock" on the top left. On the right I have a blank image with alternative text, "Items in Stock". How can I fix this, where do I access the code that controls what image is displayed? Now it's blank and doesn't look good.






Doug :rolleyes:

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i think thats added /amended in admin section - just select the category in admin-->catalog-->categories /products & edit it....(you can edit the image in there)


Thanx Brainstorm.


I don't think I explained myself clearly. I know how to upload and input an image. What's happening is that when a category opens and displays a list of products, up on the top left is a heading title, "Items in Stock".

Across from that title, on the right side is an image with a red x. The alternative text is "Item in Stock".


I need to find the code for displaying that image so I can either remove it, or link it to an image. There is some code asking for an image, but no image has been chosen to go there.




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Looks like you have hotlink protection on your server. That page is the product_listing.php under modules. What I would do is make a a small 1x1 transparent gif and name it the same as that image and upload the new gif over it. That will take care of that like nothing is there. Of course if hotlinking is on that won't work etheir.


I will try to dig up the code for you.

Search the forum and contributions before posting. If that doesn't work, keep looking, then post. The forum is for seeking help and advice NOT for someone to do your work for you. Try to do something on your on, if you are going to run a shop then learn how it works.

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Looking at it further, that image might not even been in the image dir. You might wanna try FTP the image dir again.

Search the forum and contributions before posting. If that doesn't work, keep looking, then post. The forum is for seeking help and advice NOT for someone to do your work for you. Try to do something on your on, if you are going to run a shop then learn how it works.

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Can i suggest you take a look at your main product images.


Their monstrous!!!


This page took an age to load on my pc (2mb connection)


Try 'On The Fly' this gives you maximum load speed but still with the huge pop up image.




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Can i suggest you take a look at your main product images.


Their monstrous!!!


This page took an age to load on my pc (2mb connection)


Try 'On The Fly' this gives you maximum load speed but still with the huge pop up image.






Thanx D4. I agree, they ARE monstrous! Will try your suggestion.





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Looks like you have hotlink protection on your server. That page is the product_listing.php under modules. What I would do is make a a small 1x1 transparent gif and name it the same as that image and upload the new gif over it. That will take care of that like nothing is there. Of course if hotlinking is on that won't work etheir.


I will try to dig up the code for you.



I REALLY appreciate your help there Silverado. If we do a "properties" on that missing image, there is no image specified. The http Url just tops at /images. Nothing after that. I'll try to see what image is asked for on the product_listing.php and upload something. I'll check on the hotlinking deal too.


By the way, what page displays the data entry fields when adding or editing a product? I installed the Attribute Sets contribution, works ok, but the product name fields have disappeared....!



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