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Any php experts there?


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I'd like to add the option during checkout_confirmation.php to give users option to purchase shipping confirmation for $0.50


I'm wondering if any php expert can assist me with the code for this.


Basically a user would hit a button and it would add the $0.50 to their total - it can be at any stage of checkout not necessarly checkout_confirmation.


Any ideas - suggestions - help is greatly appreciated!



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I'd like to add the option during checkout_confirmation.php to give users option to purchase shipping confirmation for $0.50


I'm wondering if any php expert can assist me with the code for this.


Basically a user would hit a button and it would add the $0.50 to their total - it can be at any stage of checkout not necessarly checkout_confirmation.


Any ideas - suggestions - help is greatly appreciated!




You could set this up as a shipping module

Many Thanks



Your Media Zone



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you can also set this up as an order total module. Check the giftwrapping contrib for ideas




addicted to writing code ... can't get enough of databases either, LOL!


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Interactive Media Award July 2007 ~ category E-Commerce

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You could set this up as a shipping module


As a shipping module you can only select 1 item, this is more of an ADDON item that is optional hence I need a checkbox or a button that will add to total instantly.


Any other ideas?



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you can also set this up as an order total module. Check the giftwrapping contrib for ideas


Thanks Monika. I installed giftwrap but get this error after clicking continue in checkout_shipping


Fatal error: Cannot use object of type __PHP_Incomplete_Class as array in /home/crust/public_html/includes/classes/gift.php on line 25


Didnt find anything on forums, can ideas?



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nope sorry, have not used that contrib ...there should be a support thread though. I have written my own gift wrapping module which will be released in my ...(I must not talk about it here)




addicted to writing code ... can't get enough of databases either, LOL!


my toolbox: Textpad - Compare and Merge - phpMyAdmin - WS_FTP - Photoshop - How to search the forum


Interactive Media Award July 2007 ~ category E-Commerce

my advice on the forum is for free, PMs where you send me work are considered consultation which I charge for ...

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nope sorry, have not used that contrib ...there should be a support thread though. I have written my own gift wrapping module which will be released in my ...(I must not talk about it here)


Isnt there a simple way of doing this? All I need is an option (if checked) will add $0.50 to total order.



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  • 3 years later...

I had this problem after upgrading from PHP/Mysql 4 to 5 on a new server:


"Fatal error: Cannot use object of type __PHP_Incomplete_Class as array in /home/crust/public_html/includes/classes/gift.php on line 25"


Couldnt find aNY help...but managed to solve it...if you get the above error comment out the following piece of code on checkout_confirmation.php in the catalog dir:


// ---commented me out---

//require(DIR_WS_CLASSES . 'gift.php');

// $giftwrap_modules = new gift($giftwrap);


for some reason these lines break the class..and prevent checkout_confirmation.php from working..dont know why but i suspect these lines arnt required..it worked for me anyway and the giftwrap module still works!


Hope this helps someone out there! :)


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I'd like to add the option during checkout_confirmation.php to give users option to purchase shipping confirmation for $0.50




Hey Jacob,


I'm not sure who you ship with, I use USPS.


I didn't give my customers the option, rather I included shipping insurance and delivery confirmation into the cost of the shipping charge.


Why make it an option instead of automatically including it?


The contribution I used - USPS Methods 3 w/insurance

- :: Jim :: -

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