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deleting a group of orders via php my admin?


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is it possible to delete all orders before a certain date using the php myadmin ?? ? as you have to click delete/delete for each order you wanna take out and its very timely, is there a quicker way??



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is it possible to delete all orders before a certain date using the php myadmin ?? ? as you have to click delete/delete for each order you wanna take out and its very timely, is there a quicker way??




It is quicker if you know what you're doing, but if you don't, or you make a simple mistake, you run the risk of corrupting your database. Since the orders table is closely-linked to a number of other tables, you have to delete records in the other tables too.


I would do this through the osC admin->customers->orders page, as this will ensure that your database maintains integrity, even if it is a little slower.



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