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Download File Name?


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I'm having an odd problem. I figured out how to get files to be set up as downloads, and I can even get them to download. However, when I do a test and download the file, it does not maintain the same file name (ex: "track1.mp3") it switches to "download.php" or "download.php.mp3" or when I try and put files into a zip and download, I get "download.php" but it labels it as a text file. The weird part is that when I change the open options the files work fine, but how do I set it so that the file name is correct and opens via the right program (i.e. winrar/winzip). I want my customers to have the easiest route possible, and at the moment, you need a couple technical skills to get this working. Any ideas?

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Hello again,

Nevermind, I was able to fix this problem on my own. But for those that come across this problem in the future, here is the fix:


Open the OSC Admin page and go to configuration.

Under GZIP Compression, make sure the value is set to false. (Apparently this feature causes files to compress into php? or other files. It may have a purpose but if your posting general files, make sure this is turned off as it will distort the appearance of your files.

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