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Odd Order Email issue


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Actually, I don't know how odd it is but here goes...


I'm using the mini-store contribution with three stores up and running. They are relatively new so the store doesn't take an overwhelming number of orders at the moment but I have noticed something strange that just started happening. I have one store where when an order is placed for one item, the order email that the customer gets (and me extra) has the product and price listed twice but the order total is correct. It looks like this...




1 x Item () = $151.52

1 x Item () = $151.52


Sub-Total: $151.52


The odd thing? It's only happening in one of my stores. The stores have quite a number of contributions but they all have the same contributions. From what I understand, the checkout_process.php file handles this email with this code handling the product portion:


for ($i=0, $n=sizeof($order_totals); $i<$n; $i++) {

$email_order .= strip_tags($order_totals[$i]['title']) . ' ' . strip_tags($order_totals[$i]['text']) . "\n";



Is this the only possible place this could be handled? This issue has been very frustrating and confusing to myself, my client, and my client's customers.


Any ideas?

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Actually, I don't know how odd it is but here goes...


I'm using the mini-store contribution with three stores up and running. They are relatively new so the store doesn't take an overwhelming number of orders at the moment but I have noticed something strange that just started happening. I have one store where when an order is placed for one item, the order email that the customer gets (and me extra) has the product and price listed twice but the order total is correct. It looks like this...




1 x Item () = $151.52

1 x Item () = $151.52


Sub-Total: $151.52


The odd thing? It's only happening in one of my stores. The stores have quite a number of contributions but they all have the same contributions. From what I understand, the checkout_process.php file handles this email with this code handling the product portion:


for ($i=0, $n=sizeof($order_totals); $i<$n; $i++) {

$email_order .= strip_tags($order_totals[$i]['title']) . ' ' . strip_tags($order_totals[$i]['text']) . "\n";



Is this the only possible place this could be handled? This issue has been very frustrating and confusing to myself, my client, and my client's customers.


Any ideas?



Just a bumpage from page 3 to see if anyone can help.



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