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Attribute prices in checkout ?


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Is it possible to show an attributes price in the checkout's totals column instead of the small italic text ?


I'd like to have the products price , then the attributes price, and the combined total at the bottom.


Any way to do this ?



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Is it possible to show an attributes price in the checkout's totals column instead of the small italic text ?


I'd like to have the products price , then the attributes price, and the combined total at the bottom.


Any way to do this ?




sure :-).


instead of pulling the final price for the cart, you pull the regular price. You add a new function to create a string of product attribute prices with breaks after each price, showing the + and - also. You add a new value to the get_products array that pulls this string and display it right below the base price. To align lines with the product attributes, if you have long product names, you will have to play around.


Very cute module :-)




addicted to writing code ... can't get enough of databases either, LOL!


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Interactive Media Award July 2007 ~ category E-Commerce

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It would be great to display the option name, value and price in the cart, just like it's done in account_history_info.php.


Example: - Print Size: 24" x 30" Large Canvas Size (+$89.90)


The option price is missing in the cart. I'll post a solution if I can figure it out.




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