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Sort Order


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I dunno, but I find the documentation severly lagging of v 2.2. Anyhow, I need to sort my categories and sub categories in alphabetical order. There is nothing in the manual to tell me how to do this and the 'sort_order' in the control panel has no entry in the doce either.

How can I do this?




PGelsman [email protected]

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Admin Tool > Categories.


Highlight a category, click Edit. Enter a value in the "Sort Order" box. 0 (zero) puts it at the top. Be careful not to have conflicting sort order values.



And what do I do for the other items:

Aviation (29)

Acer (34)

Apple-> (34)

Appliances (75)

Brother-> (272)

Camera (132)

Citizen (10)

Compaq (122)

Copystar (21)

Digital (17)

Duplo (51)


and on and on


Thank you

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You do that for each category.....


Give the one you want to start at the top a value of zero, then the next one a value of 1 and so on.



And Sub-Categories?


Electronics-> (2169)

Camcorders (51)

DVD (138)

Monitors (306)

Projectors (14)

TV (722)

VCR (171)

Audio & CD (570)


I want them in alpha order. Is there a script that will do this?


Thanx again


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