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The e-commerce.

New products - add more details to it.


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Ok, I thought this would have been raised before, but I've searched and not found anything, so apologies if this is a duplicate thread.


What I am aiming to do is alter the New Products box to display more information for each product - I will probably use it to display all laptops, but that's not my query (I'll worry about the database stuff later to query all laptops from it). What I'd like to do is add further information to it, so the format is as below



| | Product Name

| |XGhz, xgb ram, hdd, blah blah

| |Winxp, NAV as standard, whatever

| |Price

| |



How can I get this information to display? I'm baffled.


Thanks in advance.

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i think theres a mod for short descriptions. That would get you up and running till the DB site is sorted.

Things still to do before going "live" in no real order...

Change "buy now buttons" css styles

Change "lets see what we have here" into something meaningfull

Main logo of the website

Sort out currency to make site UK only (at present)

Remove "xx requests since" stuff

Update mainpage :D

Move shopping cart status into header

Add in stock status to product listing page

Define styles for product listing standardisation

Change CSS background for Headings

Increase Category size headings

Used mods so far:- basic_design_pack1mk7 | Google XML sitemap w admin | Paypal IPN v 1.2 | Feedmachine | pricematch_1_3_1 | Dynamic Sitemap 1.6 | Whos online Enhancement | Easypopulate 2.72


Each one that I solve I;ll be putting a post on the forum in a "completed shop" thread that Im writing up

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Sorry I cant, i was going to use it myself but didnt get the time to in the end. have you tried a search for "short description" on the forums? if oyu find it let me know

Things still to do before going "live" in no real order...

Change "buy now buttons" css styles

Change "lets see what we have here" into something meaningfull

Main logo of the website

Sort out currency to make site UK only (at present)

Remove "xx requests since" stuff

Update mainpage :D

Move shopping cart status into header

Add in stock status to product listing page

Define styles for product listing standardisation

Change CSS background for Headings

Increase Category size headings

Used mods so far:- basic_design_pack1mk7 | Google XML sitemap w admin | Paypal IPN v 1.2 | Feedmachine | pricematch_1_3_1 | Dynamic Sitemap 1.6 | Whos online Enhancement | Easypopulate 2.72


Each one that I solve I;ll be putting a post on the forum in a "completed shop" thread that Im writing up

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