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The e-commerce.

How do i change the Admin Password?!?


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Hi, A collegue recently left our company and he knew the password 4 all the oscommerce and stuff. we have changed th password on th other things and are now struggling to find a way to change it 4 our website admin. can someone please get in touch and tell us how to do it ASAP!! :huh:



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Hi, A collegue recently left our company and he knew the password 4 all the oscommerce and stuff. we have changed th password on th other things and are now struggling to find a way to change it 4 our website admin. can someone please get in touch and tell us how to do it ASAP!! :huh:




it looks like you have a .htaccess file in your admin folder - delete it and you will be able to get back in


I see you are hosting with oneandone internet - you can protect the directory again in your control panel







Mark A Reynolds

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it looks like you have a .htaccess file in your admin folder - delete it and you will be able to get back in


I see you are hosting with oneandone internet - you can protect the directory again in your control panel






Where will i find the .htaccess file? is this actually ON th OScommerce admin section For our website?

We already know the password to get on the admin we just want to change it as a precaution.





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