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how to delete orders in phpadmin


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hello...i'm using my old database on new oscommerce version...when i go in admin page i can see 20 "new" orders..but when i click on it and i go on "new orders page" there are not orders ( infact these 20 orders come from the old database"..someone can help me? how i can reset the "new order" ...i'm not expert...


sorry for my bad english






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You should just click on the delete for the orders you don't want. If it doesn't clear it up, you will need to go into phpmyadmin and find the order id of the orders you need to delete and then delete all entries for that order id from the various orders tables.



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You should just click on the delete for the orders you don't want. If it doesn't clear it up, you will need to go into phpmyadmin and find the order id of the orders you need to delete and then delete all entries for that order id from the various orders tables.




..ok..i found the id of the orders that i need to delete but which are orders tables?


these? :










i have to click on them and delete where i found the id orders thati want to delete?


thanks for your help



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