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graphics in a page


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i created a blank page, and i want to insert graphics in it, like small thumbnail images with 1 px borders, and make an url that open the pic in a blank page or pop-up box to view it full size, or to make download something eg a zip file, or an mp3...


i can only input text right now.


i tried this:


define('TEXT_INFORMATION', '</SPAN><A href="URL" target="blank"><SPAN style=><p align="center"><img height="0" src="images/music.jpg" width="0" border="0"></p></SPAN>');


and it didnt worked. i also tried the full url in the src ...


can some1 help me plz?

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you have the image height and width set to 0 therfore you won't be able to see the image!!



define('TEXT_INFORMATION', '</SPAN><A href="URL" target="blank"><SPAN style=""><p align="center"><img height="100" src="images/music.jpg" width="1000" border="0"></p></SPAN></a>');


(note the addition of "" after span=)

Edited by perfectpassion
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thanx it worked.


how can i make the image open in a pop-up and a border of 1 px but with a color, not red, what would be the change/addition to the code you gave me?


also, i tried to put like 2 images side to side, but it looks like the gotta be on top of each other, like i would like to put images from left to right.


do you know how to make this work?



Edited by acebeatz
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to have more than one image side by side you need to move the <p> segments and just duplicate the rest of the code:

define('TEXT_INFORMATION', '</SPAN><p align="center"><A href="URL" target="blank"><SPAN style=""><img height="100" src="images/music.jpg" width="1000" border="0"></SPAN></a><A href="URL2" target="blank"><SPAN style=""><img height="100" src="images/music2.jpg" width="1000" border="0"></SPAN></a><A href="URL3" target="blank"><SPAN style=""><img height="100" src="images/music3.jpg" width="1000" border="0"></SPAN></a></p>');


Please don't bump your posts!

Edited by perfectpassion
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