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osCommerce Logo


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Please help. I'm trying to change the osCommerce logo to my own logo but every time I save the file I get this error:


Parse error: parse error, unexpected '<' in /home/down2ear/public_html/osCommerce/catalog/includes/header.php on line 17


All I have done is change the logo as shown in the documentation.

<TD vAlign=center><?php echo '<a href="' . tep_href_link(FILENAME_DEFAULT) . '">' . tep_image(DIR_WS_IMAGES . 'logo.jpg', 'osCommerce') . '</a>'; ?></TD>


How do I fix this?


Sorry, but I am totally new at this.

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ok here we go here comes the blind to lead the blind lol... naw foreal though i knocked this task out the other day after i installed OSC (check it out>> http://legacymovement.com/shop )


i wont make any assumptions of your situation so lets start square one


-make sure you saved your image originally in an accepted format (i.e jpg... gif... png etc.)

-make sure the image is properly uploaded to your filemanager

-double check the image addressing for typos

-in the php file you should be replacing 'logo.jpg' with your FULL image address (i.e 'http://blahblah.com/yourimage.jpg' ) (make sure the image address is wraped in ' ' )

-then since your already inside that php file u might want to go ahead and change 'osCommerce' to your site name

-make sure you save the php file correctly

-load your OSC store... refresh the page


if that doesnt work then maybe i should just shut the f*ck up lol...


Please help. I'm trying to change the osCommerce logo to my own logo but every time I save the file I get this error:


Parse error: parse error, unexpected '<' in /home/down2ear/public_html/osCommerce/catalog/includes/header.php on line 17


All I have done is change the logo as shown in the documentation.

<TD vAlign=center><?php echo '<a href="' . tep_href_link(FILENAME_DEFAULT) . '">' . tep_image(DIR_WS_IMAGES . 'logo.jpg', 'osCommerce') . '</a>'; ?></TD>


How do I fix this?


Sorry, but I am totally new at this.

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ok here we go here comes the blind to lead the blind lol... naw foreal though i knocked this task out the other day after i installed OSC (check it out>> http://legacymovement.com/shop )


i wont make any assumptions of your situation so lets start square one


-make sure you saved your image originally in an accepted format (i.e jpg... gif... png etc.)

-make sure the image is properly uploaded to your filemanager

-double check the image addressing for typos

-in the php file you should be replacing 'logo.jpg' with your FULL image address (i.e 'http://blahblah.com/yourimage.jpg' ) (make sure the image address is wraped in ' ' )

-then since your already inside that php file u might want to go ahead and change 'osCommerce' to your site name

-make sure you save the php file correctly

-load your OSC store... refresh the page


if that doesnt work then maybe i should just shut the f*ck up lol...

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I don't actually know just yet how this system works either, but I'm sure I will get there eventually.


Thanks for your help. I have tried it but I still get the same error message.

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I don't actually know just yet how this system works either, but I'm sure I will get there eventually.


Thanks for your help. I have tried it but I still get the same error message.



^^ well i got a possible plan b for you... can u get the regular osCommerce logo to appear? if you can backtrack to where u can see the default osCommerce logo.... you can format your custom image as an .gif image rename your image to oscommerce.gif open your file manager go to folder

oscommerce >> catalog >> images

then drop your custom image that u renamed "oscommerce.gif" into that folder, it should ask if you want to replace a file that already has that name say yes... now thats not the preferred method of getting this done but it does work without sideeffect (well actually lol... if your original graphic requires high resolution i.e high quality photo work then your going to obviously have a little quality loss by formating it as a gif), that will atleast get you by until you can really remmedy this issue


if you look at my store and right click my header image and look at its properties youll notice thats actually what i did... not cause i had any errors... its just something about half ass doing a job that really gets me going lol

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Brilliant - it actually worked.


Don't know why I didn't think about it - I have literally spent about 2 days trying to get this right.


Thanks an absolute ton.

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Brilliant - it actually worked.


Don't know why I didn't think about it - I have literally spent about 2 days trying to get this right.


Thanks an absolute ton.



no problem...

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