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Hi Jack


At the bottom of the readme.txt it says to use this path for the cron job:


 php /home/username/public_html/catalog/admin/sitemonitor/sitemonitor.php



Obviously I changed the username to my own, and I believe the majority of the path is correct. However receiced this error when it ran:


Status: 404 Not Found
X-Powered-By: PHP/5.2.6
Content-type: text/html

No input file specified.



Should the path actually be? :


php /home/username/public_html/catalog/admin/sitemonitor.php



Also, is the space between 'php' and '/' important?

Edited by Benjjj6
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Should the path actually be? :


php /home/username/public_html/catalog/admin/sitemonitor.php

Yes, that is a mistake in the instructions.


Also, is the space between 'php' and '/' important?

Yes, it is.


The instructions also mention that the syntax may be different with your host. The above, even with the fixes, may not work. You will need to ask them to look at it if it doesn't since that is host-dependent.



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there seems to be a slight problem with the latest version, 1.6.


Each time I hit update button in sitemonitor_configure_setup.php, it adds From: to email address after refresh, see image below:




The result is non delivery of a message after the cron is run:


qmail-inject: fatal: unable to parse this line:

From: From: [email protected]


The second proble is exclude list, as you can see, it is not usable, empty lines and uncomplete lines:




I didn't have the problem with previous version.., but it could also be Firefox... using v 3.0.1





Absinthe Original Liquor Store

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there seems to be a slight problem with the latest version, 1.6.


Each time I hit update button in sitemonitor_configure_setup.php, it adds From: to email address after refresh, see image below:




The result is non delivery of a message after the cron is run:


qmail-inject: fatal: unable to parse this line:

From: From: [email protected]


The second proble is exclude list, as you can see, it is not usable, empty lines and uncomplete lines:




I didn't have the problem with previous version.., but it could also be Firefox... using v 3.0.1





Please tryit again after deleting, or renaming, the sitemonitor reference and configure files (you'll need to setup the configure file again).



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Please tryit again after deleting, or renaming, the sitemonitor reference and configure files (you'll need to setup the configure file again).




No difference after uploading new sitemonitor_configure.php and deleting reference file, it is still the same.

Absinthe Original Liquor Store

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No difference after uploading new sitemonitor_configure.php and deleting reference file, it is still the same.
What php version are you running? Maybe that makes a difference.



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there seems to be a slight problem with the latest version, 1.6.


Each time I hit update button in sitemonitor_configure_setup.php, it adds From: to email address after refresh, see image below:




The result is non delivery of a message after the cron is run:


qmail-inject: fatal: unable to parse this line:

From: From: [email protected]


You can fixed this issue : edit file ===>sitemonitor_configure_setup.php


Line 153 into :

		$options['from_address'] = sprintf("\$from = '%s'; //where email is sent from", $opt);


Means : delete : From:


Best Regards,

Edited by sunrise99
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That's not much to go on. My guess is that it has something to do with the way your shop is setup that is confusing the code. If you feel like trying it, after installing 1.6, find this in admin/includes/functions/sitemonitor_functions.php
function GetDirectoryName($path)  //return the partial directory 
 global $start_dir;
 $path = ltrim($path, "/");
 return (substr($path, strlen($start_dir)));

and change it to

function GetDirectoryName($path)  //return the partial directory 
 global $start_dir;
 return (substr($path, strlen($start_dir) + 1));

The reference file will have to be deleted.



Hi Jack

I love this contrib. A very excellent idea.

I was running version 1.4 up until a few days ago and upgraded to 1.6 because my server was upgrade PHP 4 to PHP 5. Since then I have been having problems with the Exclude list adding back slashes galore when ever I update the config file or added a directory to be excluded.


Anyway since the upgrade I am also having the same problems as a couple of others. Fixed the "From:". The line entries that need to be adjusted are Lines 61 and 155.


However I can not find the reason for the missing Directory array entries. I will add the code (below here) that is actually displayed for the array so you can get a clear idea of what is being pulled up.

I have tried your suggestion as above and some variations of that, to no avail.

Also on line 13 of "sitemonitor_functions.php" there appears to be an extra bit, "&", just before $curList. Tried removing this and this seems to have made no difference in anyway. Can you confirm if this should be there or not?


Apart from that I'm stuffed if can find any logical reason for the problem, except it's probably to do with PHP version. Can you advise further please?

Also something that may be relevant. My cart is in subdirectory to the root directory. Just one directory down.


Also a by the way. I would like to actually monitor my whole site the same way. So I would like to be able to select, Up one directory, but the start directory despite showing the ability to adjust, does not allow me to change it from the Configure area/page. It has to be changed in the "sitemonitor_configure.php" file then uploaded, loosing any settings I may have set via the Configure web page.

Also to note. When I make this change to the root directory, in the selection array I can now see more of the directory tree names, will add example below.


Hope we can get to the root of this problem.


<select name="exclude_selector" onChange="this.form.submit();"><option value="0" SELECTED>Make Selection</option><option value="1"></option><option value="2"></option><option value="3"></option><option value="4"></option><option value="5"></option><option value="6"></option><option value="7"></option><option value="8"></option><option value="9"></option><option value="10"></option><option value="11"></option><option value="12">fyCal</option><option value="13">fyCal/images</option><option value="14"></option><option value="15">sh</option><option value="16">sh/images</option><option value="17">sh/images/buttons</option><option value="18">sh/modules</option><option value="19">sh/modules/newsletters</option><option value="20"></option><option value="21"></option><option value="22">ters</option><option value="23"></option><option value="24"></option><option value="25"></option><option value="26"></option><option value="27"></option><option value="28">ns</option><option value="29">ges</option><option value="30"></option><option value="31"></option><option value="32">ing</option><option value="33"></option><option value="34"></option><option value="35"></option><option value="36"></option><option value="37"></option><option value="38"></option><option value="39"></option><option value="40"></option><option value="41">eformated_item descriptions</option><option value="42">eformated_newsletters</option><option value="43"></option><option value="44"></option><option value="45"></option><option value="46"></option><option value="47"></option><option value="48"></option><option value="49"></option><option value="50"></option><option value="51"></option><option value="52"></option><option value="53"></option><option value="54"></option><option value="55"></option><option value="56"></option><option value="57"></option><option value="58"></option><option value="59"></option><option value="60"></option><option value="61"></option><option value="62"></option><option value="63"></option><option value="64"></option><option value="65"></option><option value="66"></option><option value="67"></option><option value="68"></option><option value="69"></option><option value="70"></option><option value="71"></option><option value="72"></option><option value="73"></option><option value="74">ters</option><option value="75">ters/epson</option><option value="76">ters/generic</option><option value="77">ers</option><option value="78">ers/epson</option><option value="79"></option><option value="80"></option><option value="81"></option><option value="82"></option><option value="83"></option><option value="84"></option><option value="85"></option><option value="86"></option><option value="87"></option><option value="88"></option><option value="89"></option><option value="90"></option><option value="91"></option><option value="92"></option><option value="93"></option><option value="94"></option><option value="95"></option><option value="96"></option><option value="97"></option><option value="98"></option><option value="99"></option><option value="100"></option><option value="101"></option><option value="102"></option><option value="103"></option><option value="104"></option><option value="105"></option><option value="106"></option><option value="107"></option><option value="108"></option><option value="109"></option><option value="110"></option><option value="111"></option><option value="112"></option><option value="113"></option><option value="114"></option><option value="115"></option><option value="116"></option><option value="117">s</option><option value="118">tors</option><option value="119">ty</option><option value="120">ters</option><option value="121">ases</option><option value="122"></option><option value="123">cons</option><option value="124"></option><option value="125"></option><option value="126"></option><option value="127"></option><option value="128"></option><option value="129"></option><option value="130"></option><option value="131"></option><option value="132"></option><option value="133"></option><option value="134"></option><option value="135"></option><option value="136"></option><option value="137"></option><option value="138"></option><option value="139">tors</option><option value="140"></option><option value="141"></option><option value="142"></option><option value="143"></option><option value="144"></option><option value="145"></option><option value="146"></option><option value="147"></option><option value="148"></option><option value="149"></option><option value="150"></option><option value="151"></option><option value="152"></option><option value="153">rs</option><option value="154"></option><option value="155"></option><option value="156"></option><option value="157"></option><option value="158"></option><option value="159"></option><option value="160"></option><option value="161"></option><option value="162"></option><option value="163">ges</option><option value="164">ges/buttons</option><option value="165">ules</option><option value="166">ules/order_total</option><option value="167">ules/payment</option><option value="168">ules/shipping</option><option value="169"></option><option value="170"></option><option value="171"></option><option value="172"></option><option value="173"></option><option value="174"></option><option value="175">/templates</option><option value="176"></option><option value="177"></option><option value="178"></option><option value="179"></option><option value="180">ap-Feed</option><option value="181"></option><option value="182"></option><option value="183"></option><option value="184"></option><option value="185">e</option><option value="186">e2003</option></select>


After specifying the root directory in the "sitemonitor_configure.php" file.

<option value="0" SELECTED>Make Selection</option><option value="1"></option><option value="2"></option><option value="3"></option><option value="4"></option><option value="5"></option><option value="6"></option><option value="7"></option><option value="8"></option><option value="9"></option><option value="10"></option><option value="11"></option><option value="12">/spiffyCal</option><option value="13">/spiffyCal/images</option><option value="14"></option><option value="15">english</option><option value="16">english/images</option><option value="17">english/images/buttons</option><option value="18">english/modules</option><option value="19">english/modules/newsletters</option><option value="20"></option>

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It seems a lot of people are having problems with 1.6. I'm not able to reproduce any of the problems here though so it might be a while before I can fix this. I sugesst running 1.5 until this can be straightened out.



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  • 2 weeks later...

I too have the exclude list problem in v1.6 where the paths are either broken or missing. However, I just enter the directories to be excluded manually and the contribution works just as well.


One thing though is that it seems to add to the exclude list "admin/quarantine" by default and even if i try to remove it, it gets back in the exclude list. Is that normal?



~ Don't mistake my kindness for weakness ~

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That was added in 1.6 with the thought that that directory should not be scanned because its contents are already scanned files.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Great contrib Jack.


I am using the 1.6 version and it was easy to install. I set it up for a chronjob at 3:00 pm everyday.


I have the same error with the text 'From:' being typed into the field for from. It doesn't stop the email from being sent though, so no worries.


I am using PHP version 5.2.5

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Hi Jack


I'm having some problems using the Site monitor. It seems after contact with my host that they do not allow permissions on the admin folder other than 755 which means that I cannot write to the config file and cannot create files either.


I have thought though as a last hope that the normal directory is 777


Is there an easy way to set Sitemonitor to look in this directory for the files instead of the admin ? i.e take off the '/admin'


My host assures me that my site will be safe enough as they use 755 but I like the idea of your contrib and would like to get it working if possible





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Does anybody have an idea why I'm getting this error, or should I just upgrade to version 1.6??


I was able to setup the config part of the program but when I go to the admin part and hit the top button to run it for the first time this is the error I'm



Warning: opendir(/home/username/public_html) [function.opendir]: failed to open dir: No error in D:\vhosts\MyWebsite.COM\httpdocs\catalog\admin\includes\functions\sitemonitor_functions.php on line 93


Warning: readdir(): supplied argument is not a valid Directory resource in D:\vhosts\MyWebsite.COM\httpdocs\catalog\admin\includes\functions\sitemonitor_functions.php on line 95

Reference file creation failed.

Any ideas on how to correct this problem??


I appreciate all the help that everyone on this site has given me!

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I had to comment out these two lines in sitemonitor_functions.php in order to make the script run without giving me error messages:




while (false!=($file=readdir($dp)) && $level == $last)


If I leave those two lines in, I get these error messages:


Warning: opendir(/home/public_html/osCommerce/catalog/): failed to open dir: No such file or directory in /home/[username]/public_html/osCommerce/catalog/[admin]/includes/functions/sitemonitor_functions.php on line 56


Warning: readdir(): supplied argument is not a valid Directory resource in /home/[username]/public_html/osCommerce/catalog/[admin]/includes/functions/sitemonitor_functions.php on line 58

Reference file creation failed.


Any suggestions?


Nevermind my earlier post, if I do this the program seems to run fine.


I appreciate all the help that everyone on this site has given me!

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Nevermind my earlier post, if I do this the program seems to run fine.


Ok, I ran sitemonitor and here's what I get:



No new files found...



No deleted files found...



No size differences found...



Time Mismatch on Last Changed on Thursday, 01 Jan 1970 Eastern Standard Time



No permissions mismatches found...



Sitemonitor ran on August 29, 2008, 10:14 pm

Total mismatches found were 1

Total files being monitored is 1


I'm using this as my start directory:




I'm sure this is where I'm getting confused...what should I put in the field as the start directory? Is my format wrong? I want to look at

the whole site and not just one file.

Thanks everyone!



I appreciate all the help that everyone on this site has given me!

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Hi Jack


I'm having some problems using the Site monitor. It seems after contact with my host that they do not allow permissions on the admin folder other than 755 which means that I cannot write to the config file and cannot create files either.


I have thought though as a last hope that the normal directory is 777


Is there an easy way to set Sitemonitor to look in this directory for the files instead of the admin ? i.e take off the '/admin'


My host assures me that my site will be safe enough as they use 755 but I like the idea of your contrib and would like to get it working if possible





There's no need to set the permissions to 777. I don't recall that being in the docs anywhere. Where did you get the idea that they should be 777?



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Ok, I ran sitemonitor and here's what I get:



No new files found...



No deleted files found...



No size differences found...



Time Mismatch on Last Changed on Thursday, 01 Jan 1970 Eastern Standard Time



No permissions mismatches found...



Sitemonitor ran on August 29, 2008, 10:14 pm

Total mismatches found were 1

Total files being monitored is 1


I'm using this as my start directory:




I'm sure this is where I'm getting confused...what should I put in the field as the start directory? Is my format wrong? I want to look at

the whole site and not just one file.

Thanks everyone!


The setting is correct, assuming your shop is in the catalog directory. What makes you think it is only looking at one file?



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There's no need to set the permissions to 777. I don't recall that being in the docs anywhere. Where did you get the idea that they should be 777?





Hi Jack,


Just thought I should mention that in order for the Contrib to work when I click the Update button to "Delete the reference file and create a new one." my admin directory needs to be 777 or it returns an error message.


I assume this is the fault of my hosting provider, although do you know how they could fix it?

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Well.... I just ran the Update button and definitely used to get a different error. However, now no matter if the admin directory is 777 or 755 I get the timeout error:



Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded in /home/topgoth/public_html/snoopy/includes/functions/sitemonitor_functions.php on line 204


Was there ever a fix found for this?

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