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question about "show category counts"


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ok, first i need to be clear on what exactly the "show category counts" (in admin-->mystore) does... is it the little grey numbers within ()'s that tells how many items there are in each category??


if so, when i set it to "false" it still shows the counts... I wanted to try it with them off because several posts have indicated that improved performance is observed when doing so... advice please??

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You're probably looking at a cached version. Go to your admin panel, tools, cache control, and click the triangular recycle icon.


and it's true, it does help performance.

well, that did NOT work... its still counting!

i had some cache but it was old because i had disabled caching altogether (turning cacheing on intereferes with my coolmenu contrib for some reason... well, it incorrectly sizes my category box anyway...(with caching on))


apparently the setting is not getting changed in whatever file the admin page modify's ???


list of my contribs:


SPPC (seperate pricing per customer)


Featured Products

HPFCG (hide products from customer group)

Sort product by model (in admin)

Did you get rid of the voices in your head? Do you now miss them and the things that they said?

-David Gilmour

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Yeah, on second thought it should have refreshed on it's own anyway, I think. But...


try the top of the catalog/includes/coolmenu.php file


see if you have an entry like this in there...


// --- CONFIG ---


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Yeah, on second thought it should have refreshed on it's own anyway, I think. But...


try the top of the catalog/includes/coolmenu.php file


see if you have an entry like this in there...


// --- CONFIG ---



aha! yes that appears to be it... mine was set to true. i guess with coolmenus installed, disabling/enabling this particular setting in admin doesn't work huh? i wonder if there are any others that wont work now...

but thanks alot for the help man!

Did you get rid of the voices in your head? Do you now miss them and the things that they said?

-David Gilmour

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