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Put a form within products description?


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I'm trying to add code for a form within the products description in Admin, when adding or editing a new product. When the code for the form is included, I can preview, but the "preview" and "Back" button do nothing on the preview page.

FYI - the form is within other HTML for the description, and the form will be different for each product.


Any ideas greatly appreciated! Even how to skip the preview and go straight to insert.

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you could use "eval" when you process the products description in product_info.php instead of the traditional echo. Then you add your php code in the products description like you have with the catalog scripts (contact_us.php for instance). The thing is how to process different parameters if the forms are different. Maybe the extra fields contribution can help there.


But becareful what you do with the eval as it executes the php code from the products description blindly.

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Thanks for the reply. I'm not good at PHP, so I'm afraid I would blow the whole thing. Another problem I have, is that it's pretty heavily modded - including WYSIWYG editor & extra images uploader.

I wonder if I can just replace the code for "preview" with the code for "update"?


Thanks! :D

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