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The e-commerce.

Users cant register or login

David McKim

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Okay I installed the osCommerce to my site and everything worked. Then I noticed I didn't want it in the store folder so I reinstalled it under the shop folder. I then used a backup from the store to the shop, to get all of my work onto the store. Well today I just noticed that the login and register links do not work. They try to contact the server and it's like the server rejects them as if I had no internet connection...


Does anyone know why this is?


I have password protected the admin folder, I also changed the shop folder permissions to 777 as well as all folders within the shop.


Does anyone know why no one can login or register?


This time when I installed the shop I did choose SSL thinking that I had one but I wont until the future, but the installation didn't ask for anything else and everything seems to work other than this small problem.



Quick question > When I choose the payment methods I chose paypal and credit card. But the store doesn't allow me to enter my CC info to have the payments sent to my bank, why is this and how does allowing people to use their credit cards work if the store doesn't have a CC to send the money too?


Should I just remove CC payment and leave paypal only?



Thank you for your time,



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In both your shop/includes/configure.php and admin/includes/configure.php make sure you your ssl like this:

define('ENABLE_SSL', false); // secure webserver for checkout procedure?



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The credit card module is only there to check the algorithms used by various credit cards, to make an assessment as to whether the number is valid or not. It's up to you to set up a means of processing card payments.



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