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Redirecting from PayPal problem


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I'm having a problem with the payment process with PayPal. Once a customer goes to my checkout_payment.php page and selects PayPal they are taken to PayPal's site. Once they select "continue checkout" they are returned back to my site but end up back at the checkout_shipping page again. They should end up at the checkout_confirmation page. How can I correct this?

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I had the same problem. It is because of the stock osc paypal module.


Try installing paypal ipn: http://www.oscommerce.com/community/contributions,2679

Thanks for the reply, but I'm a little affraid to install this contribution as I've read through the threads and it appears there are some problems with it that I just don't want to deal with at this time. I've had enough problems/issues with this site as it is.


Do you know whether I could set up a .htaccess file that would redirect to the correct page. If so, would you know how to code it?

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have the redirect at paypal set to your checkout_process.php page

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---Margaret Mead---


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Just go into your Paypal account and under "profile", then far right column, about 1/2 down, is a selection where you can enter the URL of the page you wish your customers to return to your to. For example, to your checkout_success.php page. I have done this and works perfectly.


I have IPN installed, but none of the sitekeys and certificate codes given by PayPal work in the IPN ... so I am not using it. The alternative is to install the Master Password contribution. This allows you to log into your customer's account and finish their checkout process in case they do not return to your site (and thus their order wasn't logged).

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