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404 file not found, HELP


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At login, i click login as a customer and my server pops up with 404-file not found?


and i click back and i am now logged it. so i try to test purchase a product and it works all the way through ie: ccinfo, confrimation, then continue, and it then gives me that 404 file not found?


this site has never been up and working yet.


see it at


Please help me, where do I look? how can i fix?




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I just tried to login and got


Warning: mysql_connect(): Host 'www3.serve.com' is blocked because of many connection errors; unblock with 'mysqladmin flush-hosts' in /home/serve/vpback/go/catalog/includes/functions/database.php on line 19

Unable to connect to database server!


and nothing else on your login page. Sorry not very helpful I know.

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yeah it droped me for a wile, and now it's up and working sorta.


I still am having problems when I try to login, and at the end of a purchase attempt.


You can login and try it I have not set up any pay moduels yet other than COD.


And I still need help!

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I just tried to login and got


Warning: mysql_connect(): Host 'www3.serve.com' is blocked because of many connection errors; unblock with 'mysqladmin flush-hosts' in /home/serve/vpback/go/catalog/includes/functions/database.php on line 19

Unable to connect to database server!


and nothing else on your login page. Sorry not very helpful I know.



Can some one help with this?


I was changing the security levels on some files, could that have messed up my login page, and the final page of check-out?


here is the login and pass for My Webpage


login: [email protected]


pass: xJOo


Any ideas are welcome :'(

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Can some one help with this?


I was changing the security levels on some files, could that have messed up my login page, and the final page of check-out?


here is the login and pass for My Webpage

Any ideas are welcome :'(


As for the 404 part... have you properly configured your /includes/configure.php and /admin/includes/configure.php ? This is the most common problem I have found. A lot of times the file does not point to the proper directory. Search for topics on Shared SSL.

BACKUP your current files before editing. Did I mention to BACKUP your current files, first?


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Installed contribs: Almost XP Buttons *** Attribute Sort *** Auto Thumbnail Change *** Column Product Listing (for SPPC v4.0) *** Contact Us Registered *** Country-State Selector 1.3.3J *** CC# Db Mask 1.3 *** Email Order Clickable Link *** Extra Images *** Linkpoint API CVM *** Loginbox Best *** New Spiders *** New Attrib Mgr v.5.0 w/ New Attrib Include *** Multi Product Update *** MySQL Cron *** Pricing per Category *** Product Listing in Columns v2.2 [later upgraded to CPL(SPPC)] *** Product Sort v1.6 *** Seperate Pricing Per Customer v4.15 *** Simple Down for Maintenance [Gokou] *** Ultimate_SEO_URLs_v2.2.2 *** UPS Worldship Export 1.3 *** Welcome Email username & password

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Can some one help with this?


I was changing the security levels on some files, could that have messed up my login page, and the final page of check-out?


here is the login and pass for My Webpage


login: [email protected]


pass: xJOo


Any ideas are welcome :'(


I would check what url is re-directed to after a successful login.

Treasurer MFC

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As for the 404 part... have you properly configured your /includes/configure.php and /admin/includes/configure.php ? This is the most common problem I have found. A lot of times the file does not point to the proper directory. Search for topics on Shared SSL.

so what should be the correct configuration here? is there a sample setup i should base this on?

I look at this more.

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