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The e-commerce.

Showing Oscommerce whats_new.php in vbulletin


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I have seen a few Vbulletin forums that have in the vertical colums links to products in oscommerce.


I have a oscommerce store and what I want to do is call the whats_new.php from the Vbulletin menu


So on on vbulletin vertical coloum it will randomly shows new products from my oscommerce store. so it would look and work exactly the same as it does currently on oscommerce.


Any ideas how I code this or call the scripts? I think the vertical colum code is HTML.


Any suggestions please? I happy to paypal a thank you to who ever gives me a solution that works.


In theory it sounds quite easy, but I just dont know the code. Its all on the same sever, just differnt mysql db


Really appreicate some help on this as I am totally stuck. I know it can be done as I have seen it live and working elsewhere.


many thanks

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