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The e-commerce.

Empty Category Products missing


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My site is live so this problem is truly bothering.

Here is the home page: www.eratoys.com


When you select pedal planes from the menu, nothings shows up and the right column has disappeared. This worked before. I have not made any alterations since I went live. There are at least 10 items in this category.


View this page:Pedal Planes


This also does the same thing when searching by price in the $300-400 Range:

Price Search $300-400


Does anyone have any ideas??


Very confused as to why it does it just for these and not the rest of the categories. I have installed Ultimate SEO Urls and a ton of other contribs. But had not experienced this problem during testing.


Any help would be appreciated.



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Disregard above...found error.


One of the products in the category was using a jpg pic that was too large (Over 1000 px wide) and it threw off the tables. I resized it and now works.




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