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Add link to category list


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I'm in the process of setting up a site and want to add a link to the category list.

I want it to look something like:


Hardware -> (6)

Software -> (4)

and so on


MyLink would be a link to another page (some like http://www.mysite.com/catalog/ccc.php)


Could someone direct me to the correct file (and perhaps a tip or two about the correct coding) to add this to?


Thank you

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you change your catalog\includes\boxes\categories.php


in that file you have this code


 $info_box_contents = array();
 $info_box_contents[] = array('align' => 'left',
						   'text'  => $categories_string


change it to add your link


 $info_box_contents = array();
 $info_box_contents[] = array('align' => 'left',
						   'text'  => '<a href="' . tep_href_link(FILENAME_DEFAULT) . '">' . 'My Link Text' . '</a>'

 $info_box_contents[] = array('align' => 'left',
						   'text'  => $categories_string

just change the link the way you want

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That worked great.

Thank you



you change your catalog\includes\boxes\categories.php


in that file you have this code


 $info_box_contents = array();
 $info_box_contents[] = array('align' => 'left',
						   'text'  => $categories_string


change it to add your link


 $info_box_contents = array();
 $info_box_contents[] = array('align' => 'left',
						   'text'  => '<a href="' . tep_href_link(FILENAME_DEFAULT) . '">' . 'My Link Text' . '</a>'

 $info_box_contents[] = array('align' => 'left',
						   'text'  => $categories_string

just change the link the way you want

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