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ProTX form problem - have they changed their system since Saturday?


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After a year of smooth running and almost 700 successful orders, I now have a problem.


The last order confirmation I received was on Saturday 29/07 at 21:17 - this is also the last order showing in my admin panel.


Since then though, I've received 21 "payment confirmation" mails from ProTX with order details etc :blink:


I've checked it out, and when a customer enters their payment data into the ProTX form and hits submit, they're redirected to the "checkout payment" page with an error string in the URL - the payment still completes, but the database isn't updated.


String displayed is:




This happens on both my Live and Test setups, each on different hosting accounts.


My best guess is that ProTX have changed the way their payment successful system informs the store of the transaction result, and that the ProTX form code can't handle it, resulting in a "void" order.


Has anyone got any ideas on how to tackle this, or have you experienced the same?


Is anyone running ProTX form but hasn't noticed any issues?


I've flagged this with their tech support but no reply to my ticket as yet.





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Am I the only one with this problem? Please post up if you're using ProTX form without any issues since the weekend?


OK, although my host have denied making any system changes, the fix to apply when a host upgrades their PHP has solved the problem:




Seems my hosts are lying cowboys ;)


Thanks anyway,


Dan :)

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We are experienceing similar problems, we have just opened the account and for the past 5 days have had a 7% failure rate on writing to the database, most get through, some customers send duplicate payments for a single order, and others send payments with no order which we have to find.


We are on 1and1, speaking to Protx we found them no use at all they are sayi9ng it's osCommerce fault they are sending the info back??? It got so bad that on Tuesday we removed the system complelty as we didn't really understand where the missing transactions were going, we can now trace them but customers are not happy getting error pages so we will have to find a fix very soon or lose Protx.


The only advise they give is "You're stuck in a 3 month contract so you will have to pay fees until then", thanks...


Which date/contribution fixed it for you Geordiedan? The one I can see say that the order IS stored, yet the customers get the error message.



Edited by markgale1
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OK, although my host have denied making any system changes, the fix to apply when a host upgrades their PHP has solved the problem:




Seems my hosts are lying cowboys ;)


Thanks anyway,


Dan :)


Hi Dan,


which one of the fixes do I use? (Sorry, still learning this and it's not obvious to me :) )




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I'm not sure what the problem is with protx form but have you considered changing to the Protx direct method? I'm using it on my site (also hosted by 1&1) without any problems - as long as you've got SSL (which everyone should have since they're taking names / addresses etc) and cURL (most hosts do) it will work fine.


It also means that the customer never needs to leave your site and IMHO looks more professional.


The contrib is at: http://www.oscommerce.com/community/contri...ll/search,protx

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I'm not sure what the problem is with protx form but have you considered changing to the Protx direct method? I'm using it on my site (also hosted by 1&1) without any problems - as long as you've got SSL (which everyone should have since they're taking names / addresses etc) and cURL (most hosts do) it will work fine.


It also means that the customer never needs to leave your site and IMHO looks more professional.


The contrib is at: http://www.oscommerce.com/community/contri...ll/search,protx


Which bank do you use? Streamline have a Security Declaration you need to sign and agree to which says you ned to physical have your own server with you having the only access to it etc... All of which can't be done with 1and1.


Each system administrator should have an individual account and quality passwords should be used and changed regularly and a full audit trail of system administrator actions should be maintained and regularly reviewed.

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Well on the Protx site it says that you will have to undergo a PCI audit these days to use the direct method. Frankly that scares me! I am considering using Protx Form so I hope any problems get solved.

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as far as I was aware the PCI audit only applied if you were storing the card details which doesn't happen with the direct module - the details are passed to protx who then store them under PCI regulations but i'll confirm this with protx.

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Which bank do you use? Streamline have a Security Declaration you need to sign and agree to which says you ned to physical have your own server with you having the only access to it etc... All of which can't be done with 1and1.


Each system administrator should have an individual account and quality passwords should be used and changed regularly and a full audit trail of system administrator actions should be maintained and regularly reviewed.


I use LloydsTSB Cardnet - the requirements to have your own server and security procedures etc only apply if you store any card details (under the PCI regulations set by the industry) so I don't understand why Streamline are stating this for all accounts




Well on the Protx site it says that you will have to undergo a PCI audit these days to use the direct method. Frankly that scares me! I am considering using Protx Form so I hope any problems get solved.


I have contacted protx and this is their reply:

Dear Tom,


Thank you for your email.


If you are not storing any credit card information then you will not need to undergo a PCI audit, but if you are storing some of these details then your bank may require you to meet certain PCI standards. You therefore need to clarify with your merchant bank whether or not you are required to take a PCI audit.


Further information on the PCI audit and what it entails can be found by following this link: http://www.protx.com/aboutus/04_pci.asp.


We recommend that if you are using VSP Direct, you do not store any of the card details once they have been entered on the payment page.


Kind Regards




As it stands the stores the last 4 digits of the CC in the DB only so shouldn't be a concern for PCI checks - this is part of the osC checkout_process that stores these not the payment module itself although it is the payment module that passes it to osC to store so can be modified to some extent. To this extent PCI regulations should not affect your choice between protx form and protx direct.





(posted in the protx direct thread for reference)

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OK, although my host have denied making any system changes, the fix to apply when a host upgrades their PHP has solved the problem:




Seems my hosts are lying cowboys ;)


Thanks anyway,


Dan :)



Hi, I tried this fix but it hasn't made any difference, after PROTX authorisation it is still going back to the order page not the Order Confirmed page. Has anyone managed to solve it yet?


Many thanks,


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