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At Wit's end with Gift Vouchers greater than order total


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Hi All,


I have been working on solving this problem for more time than I care to admit; there is still a bug that I cannot solve, regardless of the well-intentioned posters of previous, identical issues.


I have CCGV 5.16 installed on a somewhat mod'd install.


Credit vouchers work wonderfully, until it exceeds the balance of the order (with multiple payment methods, the methods are greyed out once the select box for the voucher is selected ... at which point the user encounters a large red warning at the top of the screen that they must enter a payment method when they attempt to go to confirmation.


Tried several fixes suggested in other threads, none of which fixed the problem.


When I only allowed 1 payment method (Paypal IPN), it selects a payment method as Paypal IPN, even though the order total is now 0 (gift voucher shows as being sum of order total parts). Worse yet, it transfers the user to Paypal with an amount of Zero (which gives the user an error on Paypal that the order value is 0)


I am at a loss here, and ask you to please help me fix this one!



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Be sure you have the latest bug fixes installed as there is a fix for this. Figuring out which one that is could be a problem since they have really missed up that contribution with all of the various contributors, in my opinion. You want to find the update for version 1.6. You may also try this cleaned up version but I don't know if it has the needed fix.



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Thanks for at least looking at it, but i already tried that. I have seen so many topics with the identical problem, but unfortunately, noone has posted their resolution. If I find one, I will most definitely post it.

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