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The e-commerce.

bulk orders


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Hello all, first time poster here, I work for a webhosting company and had a client ask me a few questions about OScommerce, being unfamiliar with it, I thought it would be best to come to the preverbial horses mouth and ask on the clients behalf so here go's. If for example someone was selling wholesale matchsticks, is it possible for them to have an them for sale at $3.00 each for a quantity of 1-10 items, and $2.00 each for a quantity of 10-20 items and if so, how is this implemented. also does OScommerce provide a facility to give customers different pricing to other customers (eg: apply a perminant discount to a loyal customer?) If anyone has the time to spare answering this post it will be much appreciated.


thanks in advance

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You can use Products Attributes to set item features, amounts, colors or what ever you need.

As far as pricing levels there are a few add-on contributions to set up discount rates per customer.


Hope it helps.

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also adding this contrib is a good one......quantity discount.......makes shoppers want to buy more and if they do they'll get a discount to however much you desire. I have it set so if shoppers buy 10 items they'll recieve a 5% discount and if 20 items are bought they get a 10% discount.




OS rocks and I love all the ways you can mod your store to how you want. Man if I can do this any one can is my moto....just remember back up your shit and you'll always be ok :thumbsup:


Nigelman :D

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