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Blank index.php


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I got my former problem solved by just using domain.com/catalog




but now the index.php doesn't load anything, its just a white page. After doing the install, I get the two options, catalog and admin. Admin works now, and I can log in but catalog will not load :( its pure white.



PS. I did not edit any files yet. Thanks for your help in advance! :)

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damn dude,


I have the opposite problem.


my catalog is fine, but my admin tool is blank white page.


let me know if you find a fix


I will also let you know if I find a fix.


is this a template monster store by the way ?

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I got it working, but it wasnt easy..



I installed creloaded 6.1a then upgraded to 6.15 and then loaded my template. It isnt a template monster template.



Basically what was wrong with mine was the template wasn't workin correctly with the osc.



if you haven't tried, try starting over and make sure all files got transfered during ftp.


Sorry I coudlnt be more of a help

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I have the same problem,


My shop is working perfectly, but my admin is showing a blank page.

I haven't changed any files, it is just the standard ms2 installation.


I hope anybody can be of help.

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what is your php version?


I let my provider turn it back to 4 instead of 5, now my admin is working.


I also let them turn on error reports, and found out a lot more error's.

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