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The e-commerce.

Problem with catagory add edit and delete


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I have installed oscommerce on my site using the default database.

when I try to delete a catagory from the admin page nothing happens, the catagory stays there.

if I add a new catagory it adds a blank one and if I look at the database table catagories_description with phpmyadmin the catagories name is blank.

it seems like the data in the input field from /admin/categories.php is not getting passed to the function that needs it.


I have register_globals = On


register_long_arrays = On


My server is running:


Database: MySQL 4.1.19-standard

PHP Version: 4.4.2 (Zend: 1.3.0)

Apache Version Apache

Apache Release 10336100


is there something in the php.ini I need to change, or in the apache.conf that needs to be tweaked?


Please help!

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let me add some more info to possibly get some help.


I first tried to install manually by ftping a catalog directory and running install.


install did not go beyond step 2


it seems the register long arrays is only for php 5+


I was able to install using fantastico, but admin area is still broken,

I can delete manufacturers, just not catagories


and if I add a catagory with an image I get:

Warning: No file uploaded.


and the catagory name is lost.


Please help

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