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The e-commerce.

Is it a browsers issue, a bug or... just me?


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Safari, Camino, Opera, Netscape, Omniweb all display the site properly.

When it comes to Explorer in a PC the product images just won't show

and in Mac it displays the default page in english (surprisingly I had

disabled the english language for this site in the admin section because

it is not needed).

I've been trying to find posts regarding these sort of IE problems but I

don't seem to find a solution.

I'm also using STS but I don't know if that is something related to STS.

Most of the users for this site will be using Explorer.


Please, I need some help here.


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Firstly - forget IE on a Mac. Microsoft stopped all development on that dreadful, buggy browser more then three years ago, and stopped all support for it last year:




Secondly - your image names need serious looking at. This one is (unsurprisingly) not displaying:


REF? 50356.jpg


Not sure what that is after the 'F', but as a general rule of thumb, there should be no spaces or weird characters in image names (so no .,/\;"' etc). Use an underscore in place of spaces (ref_5036.jpg for example). Also - make all your images the same case (either uppercase or lowercase - not a mixture of both).

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Yes, that was the problem of the image not displaying... I was stupid not to think of it first.

Thanks a lot for the advice too.


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