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The e-commerce.

Google vs Yahoo vs Msn Advertisement


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From a few email back and forth with mpiscopo. I think i should post my topic here. Which can share with others.


Do you advertise through Google, Yahoo, or MSN?



If you do, for example; you would then create an affiliate account for Google and create text links for that account. You would use these links in your Google advertisement, that way you would be able to track sales generated from the Google advertisement.


I'm totally new to e-marketing. Can you provide me some clues on how to use yahoo and msn advertise programe to make extra profits. By the way, could any one provides some related url here.


I have a couple of question. Is that we can put google, yahoo, msn advertise all together in one site or one page? will it affect our sites crawling by google. because i think all these is competitive advertisement. if google not happy with it, it will throw away my site. will this issus happen?


sorry for my bad explanation and band english.

smith ;)


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Malaysia Web Services - OPerion Website Marketing System

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I was refering to the AdWords PPC advertising, not the AdSense which is the publishing of advertisments. AdWords is where you pay per click to advertise your site (as a sponsored link) when users do Google searches. Do a Google search on AdWords and you'll find information on the program. I leverage the affiliate program to track the sales I make which come from different advertising campaigns such as Google AdWords, and Yahoo's Overture.



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Many thanks to you, Mark.


I have another issues, i think this is new to oscomerce but i am not sure. I have posted many about the sms payment but nobody answer my problems. I have my site www.tropical-images.com which is selling the downloadble image after the payment. But i want to have another payment option which is pay by mobile sms. I have do the research about sms payment. Now i have a little bit understanding on how the sms payment works but i have no clues on how to use any of it in oscommerce site. while the oscommerce contributuion only have sms notification. nono... i do not want that, i am looking for sms payment module.


Any helps? Your reply would be appreciated.



Hello World! ^.^ I'm a Internet naive. Browse my working profile

Malaysia Web Services - OPerion Website Marketing System

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