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Database issue, makes no sense NEED HELP ASAP!!


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I tried to install The Enable/Disable Categories Contrib. Everything went fine as far as I could tell until the reload. All I had visable was the header and the 1st 2 boxes on the left. The rest was blank. The first 2 boxes we my Ebay auctions box and then my categories box with the Coolmenu as a contrib. I tried to restore the files with the backups and remove the one line that I added to the database (ALTER TABLE categories ADD categories_status TINYINT(1) UNSIGNED DEFAULT "0" NOT NULL;) But now all I have is jumbe from the Coolmenu and the following statement


1054 - Unknown column 'c.categories_status' in 'where clause'


select c.categories_id, cd.categories_name from categories c, categories_description cd where parent_id = '0' and c.categories_id = cd.categories_id and c.categories_status = '1' and cd.language_id = '1' order by sort_order, cd.categories_name




I did a search through all the files to find anything pertaining to the categories_status, but found nothing. If I reinsert the SQL command it goes back to the blank screen with the header and 2 boxes. any help would be greatly appreciated.


The site this is concerning is http://www.speedcitymotors.com



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Have you checked the database to make sure the new field was actually added?? The error message leads to believe that it was not.

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BACKUP BACKUP BACKUP!!! You did backup, right??

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