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Where can I find top right Shopping Cart infobox text description (for X items) ?


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Where can I find top right Shopping Cart infobox text description (for X items)? As I have increased the font size, I need to abbreviate the name so it will all fit in one line.


I've looked all over, but have had no luck. Any help would be greatly appreciated.




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not sure which line(s) you mean but you'll probably find what you are looking for in /includes/languages/english.php


Yep, that's where it was. I didn't have the files in that directory downloaded onto my local HD, so I couldn't find them. I ftp'd all the public_html and www files down, did a search thru all *.php files using jEdit, and there it was ...


I haven't done much coding for quite awhile, so I'm a little rusty ...


thx for your help ...

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