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The e-commerce.

trying to tie it all together


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Being completely new to the ecommerce integration process (and mySQL/php), I could really use some advice on how to tie everything together.


Here are the pieces I have in place:


Site host: webhost4life.com

db name (set up via their control panel): estore

dbtype: mySQLdb

SSL: purchased & ready to use


ecommerce: osCommerce (installed from the webhost4life control panel)

status: products added and catalog generally configured (see www.courtneypages.com/catalog)


payment module: authorize.net

status: installed from osCommerce catalog admin/configuration; user ID and Transaction Key entered in payment module properties



I don't know where to go from this point to tie it all together. I feel like I'm close, but what else do I need to do?

thanks for sharing your expertise!


ps. I'm editing the site and catalog pages in FrontPage 2003 and also use WS_FTP for certain uploads.

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I'm not sure I understand what you are asking. You have the site setup, the payment and ssl working and the products added. It sounds like you are ready to start making lots of money. What is it you think you missed?


You should have someone, a relative or friend, go to your site, create an account and make an actual purchase. Don't tell them how to do anything and see if they run into problems. If it all works, then you are good to go. There are improvements you can make to the code but that will always be the case. You will need to install a lot of SEO contributions, if you have not already, change the look of your shop, add the update contribution for authorize.net and so on. But there is no reason why you can't begin doing business if the basic shop works.



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