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The e-commerce.

Internal server error 500 :-(


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Hi all,


just upload all the file ....... /catalog,

everything is chmod 777....

then ........... /catalog/install

but nothing happen.... internal server error 500


I have php5 but this version is compatible with php5, it's the latest version... so what happen?

In the latest package there's an "extra folder"... there's need to upload also this folder to the server to run?


Thank you



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that could be for the .htaccess file that have and error or have a directive no active in the server, mod_rewriter or other


thats file are in catalog directory

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how it's possible for the htaccess to have an error? It's included in the package of oscommerce....


on the same server/domain I manage ok phpbb forum and joomla cms... so ... I wanna try also for this oscommerce to start selling online also...


How do it if nothing happens to the very first step?


Thanks for helping me...



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