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The e-commerce.

Ach! php 4.3 to 4.4.2 broke osCom


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I just did an upgrade yesterday of PHP from 4.3 to 4.4.2 on our unix server. The upgrade went flawlessly as far as I could tell. We are using the same php.ini file we were before upgrading.


Now though, when I go to the site: www.ohyeahcad.com and click on any category on the left I just get a blank page. It's not related to ssl as far as I can tell. It's not a register_globals issue as you can click on a product on the home page and get product info (but if you try to add to your cart from the product info page you get the same blank page).


I am stuck. Anyone have any ideas?

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Well, it's obviusly related to the way that sessions are now being handled, as removing the osC session id resolves the problem (at least as far as locating pages are concerned).


This is a server related problem and nothing directly to do with osCommerce. You'd be better off posting on a specialist forum that deals with people trying to self-manage servers.



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