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How do I edit front page?


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I took over a site having no previous experience with oscommerce. I know where I can go to view/modify/add code for the product page but the introduction page, I am not sure where to edit it? I've looked but can't seem to find it. Please help me.



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Most oscommerce pages have a seperate file located in your includes/language/englich folder. To change the text on the index page you need to find the file called index within this folder. The text to edit is after define('TEXT_MAIN', '


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I took over a site having no previous experience with oscommerce. I know where I can go to view/modify/add code for the product page but the introduction page, I am not sure where to edit it? I've looked but can't seem to find it. Please help me.




Thank you for the post. How do you edit the nav?

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not quite sure what you mean, but perhaps include/header.php?


If you check the above menu, under 'solutions', you'll see 'documentation', with basic, easy to understand guides on modifying oscommerce.

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The header.php under includes is exactly what I was looking for. If I weren't being rushed to make these changes, I would have taken my time and read through all the documentation. Thank you for your help though. It is greatly appreciated.



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I would instinctively say that they way you add two linkable images for index.php side by side is by adding two linkable images to index.php, and put them side by side.

I assume you know how to make images linkable?


Or does knowing that what you see on your first page is also made up of include/column_left.php and column_right.php help?


I don't mean to be cheeky, but I really don't know what you mean :)

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I am pretty warn out, if it were html and not php which I am only somewhat familiar with it would not be a problem. I have placed and made the images linkable in index.php but I am not sure how to code it so that the two images align side by side and not one under the other. Does that make sense at all?

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define('TEXT_MAIN', ' <center> <a href="http://www.mysite.com/catalog/product_info.php?products_id=30"> <img border="0" src="../../../catalog/imagetruckpic2.jpg" border="0" alt="My Site Vol2" title=" My Site Vol2"</a> <a href="http://www.mysite.com/catalog/product_info.php?products_id=29"> <img border="0" src="../../../catalog/imagetruckpic1.jpg" border="0" alt="My Site Vol1" title=" My Site Vol1"</a> </center>');


That is for /includes/language/english/index.php


It is as I am sure you all know the page that is first displayed when the site is accessed. I need, if it's possible to take those two images and position them so that they are side by side. Right now, the second image is positioned beneath. Can you tell me if there is a way to code it to achieve that result?

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