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Error Unable to determine the page link!


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HELP! Everytime someone clicks on a product page we get an error that comes up "Unable to determine the page link" I've tried using the back up I've made and even reloading all of the files from the back up on my computer. Please any help would be appreciated

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It is caused by using search-engine safe urls


Go into your admin then configuration->My Store->Use Search-Engine Safe URLs (still in development) and set to false


that should fix it. Try using one of the contributions for your URLS - Chemo's Ultimate SEO URLs is popular.



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I too am having this same problem with a new install... search-engine safe urls is turned off by default, so that is not the problem. I believe whatever the problem, it is related to another issue I am having in the backend where I can't edit anything and some (but not all) of the headings in the admin seem to be unable to find the language file and show up like this --> TABLE_HEADING_CONFIGURATION_TITLE TABLE_HEADING_CONFIGURATION_VALUE TABLE_HEADING_ACTION ... I've done many installations of osCommerce in the past and have never run into anything like this. Anyone have any ideas?

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I finally found the answer to this... it's in the php.ini file... make sure

register_long_arrays = On

it is apparently set to Off in newer versions


You can also turn it on in .htaccess by adding

php_value register_long_arrays on

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